Square pockets, round pockets, left & right pockets, perfectly creased corners on any kind of fabric. This V100H once completely redesigned by Vi.Be.Mac. in order to improve the older model has no comparison today. Two independent creasing heads, automatic creasing cycle, with ability to feed 2 pocket setters for perfect stitching, strengthened in the electric and folding components. This unit is now improved by a sophisticated new technology developed in order to reduce energy consumption (-30% compared to the previous model) and to considerably increase the creasing quality and speed of the carriage. Change creasing jigs in a couple of minutes thanks to the screw-less pneumatic device. These machines operate based on a very simple but incredibly efficient system: two independent pressing heads can be managed even by an unskilled operator and, therefore, considerably increase the production rate (up to 400 pockets/hour). The unit has two independent electronic thermostats regulating the press temperature and a PLC that sets the cycle time.

Technical Specifications
- Pressing Working Area Unit V100H: W 208 X H 217 mm
- Pressing Working Area Unit V100 Maxi: W 250 X H 250 mm
- Min And Max Pocket Width V100H: from 60 to 208 mm (up to 238 without folder device)
- Min And Max Pocket Height V100H: from 75 to 217 mm
- Min And Max Pocket Width V100 Maxi: from 60 to 250 mm (special folder requested for women and kids wear)
- Min And Max Pocket Height V100 Maxi: from 75 to 250 mm (special folder requested for women and kids wear)
- Time Required For Mould Change: about 3 minutes
- Power Requirement: 220v Single-Phase 50/60 Hz
Thanks to their extremely easy design, pocket jigs can be produced in a very short time and at low cost or even locally. Upon the request the unit can be set for Light Weight (L), Medium Weight (M) or Heavy Weight (H) fabric. A great advantage of these units (V100 H or V100 MAXI) are that two operators are able to crease and to attach two different kind of pockets with two 2516V4, hence achieving the production of approx. 900/1000 pants, or almost 2000 pockets per 8 hour working shift. Also, it is worthwhile mentioning the perfect creasing and folding quality of pockets and easy change of moulds: it is enough to press the lock-unlock device that does not require any additional tool. Maximum productivity and creasing quality are always guaranteed. The 2 pocket creasing units available are the model V100 H with standard working area (208 x 217mm) or the model V100 MAXI, with maxi working area (250 x 250mm).